Q:  What are the benefits of oil heat?

Oil heat is efficient, safe. comfortable, economical and environmentally biodegradable with no carcinogens

Q:  Is Oil Heat Cost Effective?

Oil delivers more heat per unit of energy (measured in BTU's) than other fuels — a gallon of oil delivers 140,000 BTU's, while gas delivers only 100,000 BTU's per therm. So don't be misled by claims that a fuel other than oil is a cheaper way to heat your home! One therm of gas does not generate as much heat as a gallon of oil.

Q:  How competitive is Oil Heat?

You select a local dealer based on your personal preferences and needs. Local dealers work toward providing excellent fuel delivery service and many offer other services such as installations, repairs and maintenance contracts. Because oil is sold on a competitive consumer basis, you can switch providers at any time.  If you are not satisfied with service, price or other factors you can simply change dealers. With public utilities you do not have the same level of control. You must stay with the same supplier regardless of whether service, price or convenience meet your needs and budget

 Q:  Is oil heat clean?

Yes, oil heat is clean to burn. According to Cleanburn Science Technology, oil heat systems are 99.9% clean. When oil heat is properly installed and maintained, no observable soot, dirt, or odors are evident in the home.

Q:  Is oil heat economical?

Yes, today's furnaces are more efficient than ever before. Oil prices have been more stable and competitive over the years than other forms of energy. It has 140,000 BTU's per gallon while propane has 91,000 BTU's per gallon.

Q:  Is oil heat safe?

Unlike gaseous fuels, heating oil will not support a flame unless the temperature is above 140 degrees fahrenheit. There is not enough fuel vapor to cause an explosion.

Q:  What is the easiest way to make sure I do not run out of fuel?

The easiest way to make sure you do not run out of fuel is to be on our Automatic Delivery Program meaning we will automatically deliver to you during the heating season as well as during summer fill-up

Q:  What size oil tank do I need?

The most common size oil tanks are 275 gallon above ground/in basement or 500 gallon round. Size will depend on your overall heating requirement.

Q:  Do I need to put an additive in my fuel tank to keep it from freezing during the winter?

If you use heating oil and you expect the outside temperature to be below 20 degrees for several days at a time it is a good idea to add a supplement to keep the fuel from gelling.

Q:  Should I have my furnace tuned-up?

Yes. We recommend to have your furnace or boiler checked and tuned-up regularly by a qualified technician.

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